Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Thanksgiving Day is a day
for our thoughts to
be on what is most
Love, family, friendships,
peace, health.
I pray that you have
a wonderful day of thanksgiving
and more blessings than
you can count.

I'm thankful for so much...
today and everyday.


  1. Thank you so much for following my blog. I get so few followers. I glanced a couple of your latest posts and i can see that maybe it was the name of my blog that called you in. LOL! Sweety you just need to step back and breathe! :) Stop beating yourself up! Thats gonna get you no where! If you get a chance to check out my previous blog where i lost most of my weight I don't post there anymore but if you go back to the beginning theres an awful lot of soul searching that goes on there. One step and at a time girl one baby step at a time. Hugs! And thanks again for stopping by! deb

  2. ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
    For You!
    Happy ThanksGiving!
    Hearts and Flowers!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope you are enjoying your time off!


  4. Hi Tena...
    I am grateful for those who are friends even though we've never met...
    Hope you are happy and well.

  5. Hi Tena
    I'm grateful to have met you through blogging...and I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful.

    Take care, Grace
