Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Happy New Year...2013

Well, I had every intention of doing a post about my intention for 2013. But here we are nearly a week into the new year and I'm just getting to it.  The goal for this year is to focus on maintianing my weightloss. I plan to stick to my low carb, mostly flour free diet since that seems to keep me in control of what I eat. But I don't want this year to be just about maintaining. I want this to be a year of actively going after the life I see for myself. The word "engage" keeps popping up in my head. Not the kind of engage where there is a ring involved, haha. But being engaged (in life) and not afraid to get out there and risk being myself. I've spent many years under layers of fat (for whatever reason) and now I want to participate. Not sure yet what all that means and I don't think it will be easy. Letting go of the comfortable, familiar life is scary. But I'm daring myself to just do it!

I've been off work for two weeks for Christmas break. I started off very disciplined with my eating and exercising. Then it slowly started. The food creep that I read about here. I am not happy about it. I've gained a few and feel bloated and I've even been sick for the first time in a long time with a cold. I just know it is related to my bad food choices. Sugar, wheat flour, salty chips. Oh, I've had it all. It began with just a few bites, and I was so proud of myself for being in control. Then I had candy and cookies. My mother was making goodies to "gift" our friends and family, only I ended up eating some of it. And for the last few days the binge-crave-monster has been lurking around. I'm done. I miss feeling good and most of all, I miss looking myself in the eye and feeling no shame.

So, this year will be about maintaining and getting out of the comfort zone. I will keep my promise to myself to treat myself with care and love. I will be daring.

Happy New Year to you and yours. Let's make it a good one!


  1. Oh, I love your word/intention for 2013. It will be scary but it will be so worth it.

    Happy New Year, Tena!

  2. I love your plans and goals for 2013!!!!

  3. I'm hoping to gain some strength from your post! I'm finding it difficult to find that fire inside myself to start making healthier food choices. All in due time, I will also be gentle with myself. Happy New Year!

    1. Ah, yes, that fire takes time to build. But as you said, all in due time. As long as we just start somewhere :)

  4. Replies
    1. Well, I try, haha! Hey! Where've you been? Hope all is well with you :)
