Thursday, March 25, 2010

Attitude Adjustment - Check.

I got some really great advice from some wonderful bloggers on my last post about dealing with my lack of confidence in my abilities. 1) Believe in myself. 2) Parent myself with the confidence I instilled in my son. 3) Take it one day at a time. I read those comments over and over and let the wisdom sink in. It's going to take some time, but I feel better already, so I thank you with all my heart.

I'm focusing on doing my best at work. I have faith that God is in control of my days and so I will tell myself that each morning - and let Him be in charge. That's a hard one.

Food this week has been excellent. I've cut back on my portions, cut out sugar (except for the 1/2 c. of low-fat frozen yogurt with sunflower sprinkles that I get at school at lunch), and enjoying lots of fruit and veggies. Yes, I'm enjoying them. It's amazing how good fruit tastes whent you cut out refined sugar ;)

I've been riding this week in this gorgeous Spring weather and taking Sydney for walks. She loves to go for walks, although, she'd like it if we ran! Here's some pictures of our walk today. I love tall grass and clover and Syd does, too.

Field of Clover

Sydney in the sun.

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend. Don't forget to drink your water.


  1. We are always our own worst critic. I'm glad you are taking the good advice of our fellow bloggers to believe in yourself.

    And as the old saying goes, Let Go and Let God.

  2. "It's amazing how good fruit tastes whent you cut out refined sugar.."

    So true! :)

  3. YAY!! Positive thinking does so much! :)

    Hope you are having a good weekend!

  4. Great photos Tena!
    Wish I were there to walk with you and chat...
    Thank you for the comment you left, it really meant a lot to me. A lot!!! :)
    I am having an issue with sugar lately. I can't seem to get it under control... :|
    Hope you stay in this frame of mind it looks good on you! ;)

  5. Love those photos girl!! I'm so glad you're joining in on the challenge....this is going to be FUN!!!! I think we could ALL use a good, stiff kick in the pants!! :)
