Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Talking to Myself

Last week I had a talk with myself. I asked myself what do I really want these days and my answer did not surprise me. I want to be healthier and thinner! Duh! So, why then do I continue to eat like a person who does not care? I know what choices to make but I get lazy and start eating things that are not of the healthy variety.

I lost 3 lbs last week! Woo! Hoo! I don't know whether I should count them or not since I lost those 3 lbs a few weeks ago. Yes, I gained some over the past few weeks. That is what happens when you throw caution to the wind and binge on crap. So now I'm making up for my mistakes. But I am learning that I feel better when I am not eating junk so I guess as long as I'm learning, all is not lost. And I realized that the stuff I was pigging out on really did not satisfy me. I don't know what I expected it to do for me. I didn't feel guilty about it, I just didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.

Thin really does feel good. I know, I've been thin before. Now I just wish I could wake up and be just that, thin. It was easy to gain the weight but it sure is hard to lose it. But I can do it! I just need to keep telling myself that!


  1. I want to be healthier and thinner! Duh! So, why then do I continue to eat like a person who does not care? <~~~~~~ This statement is so key to this process. I feel like if we could figure this out (along with "why if exercise feels so good, is it so easy to toss it aside at the first excuse"), it would be huge.

    Way to go on the loss!

  2. Just start again when you fall off the wagon or just don't feel like being so rigid. Every little thing you do will build your willpower/motivation muscle. We may not be able to be as thin as we once were, but we can be healthier and have less fat on our bodies.

    You released the weight, it is gone, be proud and accept it.
