Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sad, Stressed, and Parched

Today my 16 year old kitty went to kitty heaven. She was a good old girl with a sweet, soft, tender little mew. She had a litter of kittens before we could get her fixed and we didn't even know she was pregnant. She wasn't even a year old so we thought we had time. Then we found her kittens in the dog house, of all places. Anyway, I will miss her sweet little self. She was never pushy and always appreciative of any attention she was given. She lived a good long life.

I proctored the mother of all AP exams today, Spanish Language. I get so tense when we have to do these since we don't have a language lab. We set up speakers in the gym and petition it off so the students can hear the CD and record themselves on a tape. There's usually some snaffu but today everything went fine! It took a long time and I'm really tired, but glad it's done.
Friday I have one more AP exam to give and I'm done. We had to do late exams since we were closed for the Swine Flue deal. See, I knew that would come back to haunt me!
So this week has not been good diet-wise, again. My schedule has been crazy, forced to grab a bite in between exams and then stress eating at night. All should be back to normal next week and I have my sights set on healthy planning and eating and lots of pedaling.
I've not been drinking all my water while doing these tests (not a good time for frequent bathroom visits) so I'm feeling it. Bloated and sluggish.
Have a great Friday and drink lots of nice cool water!


  1. So sorry about your kitty passing away. She sounds like she was a sweet soul. My cat Riley is getting up there in years, and it's sad to watch him age.

    I'm going to go hug Riley and get some water to drink.

    Take care, Tena. Glad next week looks brighter for you.

  2. Aww... I am so sorry. I have too many animals, but I would be terribly sad to see any of them go. They are the most innocent things in my life!

    AAAALLLMMOOOSSSTTT DDDDOOONNNEEE! You are close. I can feel breeze from the pedaling just around the corner!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. They can be such wonderful companions. I'm sorry for your loss.

    Just get through this last stretch of stressful and back to your routine. I'll be thinking of you today - while I'm home on my liquid-only diet. Stupid teeth! I, for one, will be plenty hydrated. Sigh.

    Have a good weekend!

  4. My sympathy goes out to you on the loss of the lovely kitty. We become so attached to our furry friends, don' we?

    Glad the AP tests will be finished today. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up over the things not done as you would hope. Just pick up from where you are. I haven't been doing well with the 10K training either...but tonight I will be back on track.
    Loss and Stress can take away the best intention, I hope you feel better soon.

  6. ((hugs)) - what a lovely cat and I am sorry that she has gone. You will miss her.

  7. I'm so sorry to read about your kitty!!

  8. I'm so sorry about your cat... I'm sure you'll miss her dearly.

  9. :-( I'm so sorry about your cat, I hope you get to feeling better soon.

  10. I'm sorry that your kitty has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She looks like a real sweetie.

  11. so sorry to hear of the loss of your kitty...I know that is so hard, We've been there too!

  12. Thank you all for your sweet comforting words. It means more so much!

  13. Oh Tena...that is so hard. And along with everyone else, I too am sorry. Bless your heart, so much going on right now for you.
    Summer break is coming...hang in there!

  14. So sorry about your sweet kitty. Hang in there - almost done, and you'll have time to catch up with the fitness plan once the semester is finished.
