Monday, November 17, 2008

It's "Know Your Numbers" Monday!

We had a free health screening at work today. I think it was to get our drug deductible waived. I never pass up an opportunity to get my finger pricked! LOL! Anyway, this is good timing since I'm planning on going "clean."

The cool thing was they gave us our results in like 7 minutes! Here are my numbers:
Waist circumference - no thank you!
Blood Pressure - 130/82 (not too bad)
Body Mass Index - 43.1 (ugh!)
Total Cholesterol - 158 (good, I guess)
HDL - good chol. - 34 (uh oh! this needs work)
Triglycerides - 182 (oh my gosh!)
LDL - bad chol. - 88 (finally, something okay)
Ratio TC to HDL - 4.6 (should be lower)
Blood Sugar - 119 (this is kinda scary)

Well, since it's early in the week I plan to use this info to kick myself in the butt and get going. It's now or never and I don't want to say never. That is not in my vocab!

Gotta go shopping for some fresh veggies, TODAY!!


  1. Good job for taking this and turning it positive.

  2. Knowing those numbers is a good starting point. They will only get better from here on in!

  3. Way to go on all the cleaning -- house, yard and blog. And, good job using the numbers as a starting point for moving in a positive direction.

  4. It's great for you to having the numbers to compare with a few months from now to see if what you're doing is working.
    I'm so happy you're feeling energetic!
