Monday, January 4, 2010

Miles to go...

I got my 2009 Dailymile Year End Report today and I must say I'm perty happy. I started logging my rides on Dailymile in May 2009 and here are the results of all that bike riding:

Total distance:  939 miles

Avg miles per week:  31 miles

Total Workouts:  115

Pounds burned:  23

Total time:  85.01

I love how they included some trivia about all my "spent" energy: 49.44 gallons of gas saved, 1,266 tv's powered, 435.64 donuts burned! How cool is that?! If you don't use dailymile to track your workouts, try it. You can track running, walking, cycling, and other types of workouts. I love it and this report was a nice surprise. Now I'm motivated to go even more miles this year and burn lots more pounds.

Today was back to work day. I loved being off for two weeks but I was just about doing myself in with all the eating. Way too much sugar has passed these lips lately and I've been feeling my blood sugar getting all wacky. Our bodies know what we need, why don't we listen?

Of course, I'm already looking forward to Friday. And on my calendar I've marked off the next holiday, Jan. 18th, lol.

By the way, did you drink your water today?? Well???


  1. Have you thought about a project 365 blog?

  2. Wow, that is a lot of excercise! Way to go :-)

  3. Whoa, Tena. That is awesome! What a motivation to see all the cumulative results of your efforts! I've used something sort of similar as I approach 4 years smoke-free. I should be rich as I've saved about a bazillion dollars that I used to spend on the smokes.

  4. Just one word.....BRAVO!!!!!

  5. What a great site... i'll have to go check it out!

    and bravo to you!

  6. I need to drink more water...definitely. Way to go on the biking!! WOW! impressive!

  7. great job with the biking last year! Might have to check out that site. A friend and I are trying to bike/walk 5200 miles this year! Already planning three 25 mile bike events and the biggy......biking the length of Cape Cod!

    Keep up the good work!
